Şirket Haberleri / Türk Çeliği

(-) US to hike tariffs on Turkish steel products up to 50% Recall that US had removed the additional tariffs on steel imports which were revised down from 50% to 25% on May16, 2019. With the recent announcement, tariffs will increase back to 50% again. Turkey had been exporting annual of 4.8mn tons of steel products to US before the revisions on tariffs which had been comprising almost 10% of total production. An increase in the tariff level in 2018 led to an almost 48% decline in export level to US while the latest downward revision was expected to increase export volume again. Among the listed companies, Kardemir does not export to US while Erdemir has been exporting to N. America in a relatively low amount previously– 2% of total sales volume with a strategy to increase its total export volume. Accordingly, the direct impact of additional tariffs is neutral for the companies. On the other hand, we expect the market reaction to be negative on the stocks as the excess supply in the domestic market may increase the concerns over the domestic prices where have already been depressed on weak global economic outlook.


(-) ABD Türk çeliğine uyguladığı gümrük vergisini artırıyor Hatırlatmak gerekirse en son Mayıs ayında %50 oranındaki vergi %25 seviyesine indirilmişti. Şimdi tekrar %50 seviyesine çekileceği belirtildi. 2018 yılında vergi oranı %50 seviyesine yükseltildiği zaman ihracat oranlarında sert düşüşler olmuştu. Kardemir’in ABD’ye çelik ihracatı bulunmuyor, Erdemir’in ise sınırlı bir ihracat oranı vardı. Bu nedenle haberin direk etkisi sınırlı olsa da haber akışı ve iç pazarda fazla ürün endişeleri hisselere olumsuz yansıyabilir.


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