(+) Ford Otosan to increase production capacity by 40k units.Ford Otosan announced that it will increase its production capacity in Golcuk plant from 290k units to 330k units in order to meet increasing export sales. The Company will spend USD52mn for the capacity increase and the new capacity is planned to be commissioned in September 2018. With this increase, Ford Otosan’s total capacity (Golcuk, Yenikoy and Inonu plants) will rise to 455k units from the current 415k units. The company’s export performance especially for Custom model has been gaining pace this year and a capacity increase was needed to overcome bottleneck in the coming years. We see the news positive.
Ford Otosan üretim kapasitesini 40bin adet artıracak. Ford Otosan artan ihracat talebini karşılamak üzere Gölcük Fabrikasının 290 bin adet olan üretim kapasitesinin 330 bin adede çıkarma kararı aldı. 52 milyon ABD doları yatırımla 2018 yılı Eylül ayında tamamlanması planlanan kapasite artış çalışmaları bittiğinde üç fabrikadaki toplam 415 bin adetlik araç üretim kapasitesi 455 bin adede yükselecek.