Yapılan revizyon ile matrahı 70 bin TL’yi aşmayan araçlarda ÖTV 45%, matrahı 70 bin - 120 bin TL arası araçlarda ise ÖTV oranı %50 olacak. Matrahı 120 bin TL’yi aşan 1.6 litre ve altı otomobillerde ise %60 uygulanacak. Üst limiti 170 bin TL olan 1.6-2.0 litre olan araçlarda ise %100 ÖTV uygulanacak. Haber, otomotiv sektörü için pozitif. Son aylarda gelen hızlı fiyat zamları ve ekonomideki yavaşlamanın etkisini ile düşüş gösteren otomotiv satışlarına sınırlı destek verebilir.
(+) Consumption Tax (SCT) price limits have been revised on autos.
According to the amendment, the new pre-tax price limits are;
i) TRY70,000 compared to previous TRY46,000 for 45% SCT rate used for cars with an engine size smaller than 1600cc
ii) TRY120,000 compared to previous TRY80,000 for 50% SCT rate used for cars with an engine size smaller than 1600cc
iii) TRY170,000 compared to previous TRY114,000 for 100% SCT rate used for cars with an engine size between 1600cc and 2000cc
The news is definitely positive for automotive sector as the tax amendment will reflect as a material discount in price tags of vehicles. However, considering the massive price increases in recent months and a slower economy; we think may only help to soften the plunge in sales.