Mahkeme, Rekabet Kurulu’nun Isdemir’e 52.9mn ve faizinin ödemesi gerektiğine karar verdi

30.11.2018 09:00

(=) The court rules for TRY52.9mn+accured interest payment to Isdemir from Privatization Administration According to the announcement made by the company, The court ruled The Privatization Administration to pay  TRY52.9mn plus accrued interest from 01/2012 to Isdemir. The Court of Appeals also approved the ruling following the appeal from PA. It is also stated that it is still possible to have revision on the decision. The amount is negligible for Erdemir- corresponding to 1% of our 2018E net earnings. Neutral for the stock performance.

(=) Mahkeme, Rekabet Kurulu’nun Isdemir’e 52.9mn ve faizinin ödemesi gerektiğine karar verdi Karara göre Kurum’un 52.9 milyon TL ve 2012 Ocak ayından itibaren işletilecek faizi ödemesi gerekiyor. Karara ilişkin düzeltmenin yolu hala açık. Ödenecek tutar, Erdemir’in 2018 beklenen karının sadece %1’ine tekabül ediyor. Hisse performansı için nötr.

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