(+) Kardemir welcomed tax adjustment on coal imports from US Chairman of BoD stated that Kardemir welcomed the downward adjustment on the import tax rate on some US imports given the company has been exporting coking coal from US. Based on their calculation, additional tariffs on coking coal led to an additional USD30mn cost increase for the company. Turkey has imported almost 5.8mn tons of coking coal in 2018. 2.39mn of it was exported from US with a 30% YoY increase. On the other hand, 1.96mn tons were also exported from Australia which was up by 80% on YoY basis as the demand shift appears to have transfered to Australian products. Note that, based on our calculation, Kardemir’s total coking coal cost was around USD292mn and total raw material costs were around USD596mn in 2018. Slightly positive.
(+) Kardemir ABD ürünlerindeki vergi düzeltmesinden olumlu fayda sağlayabilir Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı’nın açıklamarına göre, şirket ABD’den kömür ithal ettiği için vergilerdeki aşağı yönlü düzenlemeyi olumlu karşıladı. Açıklamalara göre şirkete vergideki artış yıllık yaklaşık 30 milyon ABD Doları ek bir yük getiriyordu. Sınırlı pozitif.